Saturday, 24 May 2008

Short Night's can cause delirium...

Saturday morning in Oslo. It's the 24th May and already it's light until nearly 10:30pm or so - and light again at about 4:15; and there's another month to the solstice.

When we get there morning twilight will start at about 2:30am and finish the following morning at about 12:30am - giving us a grand total of 2 hours of 'proper' darkness. In this time I hope to build a scale model St Paul's cathedral out of my gnawed toenail off-cuts. There should be time.

Whilst I wait for this azimuth of light I am going to prepare physically for the event by eating nothing but raw herring and living on a small island in the centre of the Oslo fjord. Supposedly this will give me the constitution required to last the short nights.

Enough of this absurdity - I must away and find myself a boutique from which I can purchase my next year's worth of shoes. Have a grand weekend! Until the next time!

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