Monday, 5 May 2008

Nearly a year later...

Clearly this blogging, for me anyhow, is a regular thing. It's only been 10 months since my last 'blog' and I'm pleased to report a fair amount of activity - albeit no activity on the blogg... So, I've been on a tour of Europe.

Not sure why - didn't really want to go - but after getting a short contract job and it coming to an even earlier end (with profuse apologies from those involved) I decided to cart myself round Europe in less than perfect conditions. The 'big' thing to do here would be to tell you how amazing it all was - all the different cultures and the like, which *is* true...

However, equally, it was *nearly* the weirdest experience I've ever had (the winner there goes to either Thailand or South America - still undecided) with some strangers treating me like an old friend and others with contempt that turned, on occasions for them, to tears... Weird - with a capital 'W'.

Aside from all that, the architecture was 'nice' or 'glorious' or some other adjective that someone who isn't really that interested in architecture would use. Similarly I took a lot of photos - perhaps I can torture my, as yet unborn, children with a slide show when they're at the cusp of 'teenagerism'. Manacle them to dining chairs and force them to watch my 'tour' saying, 'You'll learn something, I promise you' in that ever so slightly, but untintenionally, patronising voice.

Anyway - I have a job now... More on that later.

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